Summer of Zombie: Spotlight on Armand Rosamilia

The authors of the summer of zombie blog tour owe a big thanks to Armand Rosamilia for organizing this great event each year. But why does he do it? Let's just say it's part of his personal mission statement. Check out his thoughts, and his books, below!

Why I do Summer of Zombie Blog Tour?

This will be a short and sweet guest post, since I’m very busy not only putting together this massive tour but pacing to write 5,000 words a day on a project I’m on deadline with. So…

Someone asked me in the beginning of the Summer of Zombie blog tour why I do this. Why have to format interviews, guest posts and teasers for 30+ authors every June? Why?

Because I believe in Karma.

Capital K, too.

Sure, I could spend the month worrying about my writing. I could use the hundreds of hours it takes to get this tour organized writing and promoting myself. I could do my own thing and shout from the rooftops about my upcoming releases… and I always have something coming out.

Instead, I give back. I learned a long time ago it is better to give than receive, and that isn’t just a catchy slogan. If you ask me a question I’m going to give you an answer.

When I was a new author, so many great people stopped and answered my questions. They led by example and kept me honest.

My goal is to return the favor. I want to be known as a great writer, which is what we all want. But I also want to be known as a great person who helped other writers attain their goals. I’m blessed. Very blessed. I wake up every day and I’m able to sit around in my sweatpants and write and talk to people online all day. I create, promote and feel great with every sale. I’m able to live my dream and have no regrets.

I want to give back because I’m in a great place. Simple as that. Each and every June I will sacrifice a huge chunk of my time to help get other zombie authors into new areas and let new readers know who they are. Because I want all of us to succeed.

Sure, it would be awesome for me to be on the top. But it’s lonely up there. I want to get there and have all of my fellow authors hanging out, and if I’ve helped them reach their mountain we can all have fun together.

Simple as that.

Welcome to one of the best time’s as a writer for me… helping my fellow writers.

Armand Rosamilia

Dying Days 5

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The stench of rotting flesh is in the air! Welcome to the Summer of Zombie Blog Tour 2015, with 30+ of the best zombie authors spreading the disease in the month of June.

Stop by the event page on Facebook so you don’t miss an interview, guest post or teaser…and pick up some great swag as well!

Giveaways galore from most of the authors as well as interaction with them!

#SummerofZombie is the hashtag for Twitter, too!

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