Summer of Zombie: Guest Post by A. Giacomi

Zombies with a Pulse

I know what you’re thinking…since when do zombies have a pulse? What I mean is zombies have been getting a bit of a reboot over the past couple of years. With the success of The Walking Dead, others began to see that zombie tales weren’t solely for the horror market after all, it seems the entire population is fascinated with these once human creatures…and why? Because there’s still a lot of humanity, tragedy, and strength to their stories. Zombie stories allow us to reevaluate our lives, and define what is most important to us: our families, love, safety, clean water…pudding? (TWD reference I pray everyone gets)

What I’m getting at is that anyone can relate to zombies. Just imagine for a moment one of your loved ones had been bitten, would you kill them without batting an eye? Could you? I think there is an internal struggle between what needs to be done and what the heart wants. Many of us would claim bravery and would do what had to be done, but when it comes down to the wire how do you say goodbye? I believe some would even keep them as pets because humans are sentimental. Think of all the trinkets you might keep around your house because they hold a memory you treasure…memory and our desire to hold onto it, and preserve is dangerous when it comes to zombies.

Today I want to highlight the ever shifting zombie genre. Here are five zombies with a “pulse” in other words…they’ll make you care about them.
  1. Most recently we have Liv Moore from the CW’s adaptation of the iZombie comic released by DC’s Vertigo imprint. Whether you’ve read the comic or seen the show, or both, it’s difficult not to feel for her. She had a family, a promising career, and now? She eats brains to solve crimes and there isn’t much room for more in her life. The show is entertaining and a lighter taste of the zombie genre, it definitely shows Liv aka Gwen as a zombie trying to recreate some sort of “normal.”
  1. Warm Bodies brought us R. The zombie version of Romeo, not very romantic, but oh so very comedic. R is a zombie that refuses to be a zombie, he doesn’t enjoy it, he fights it with all he has, but the only cure for this zombie virus is love. A zombie love story? What could have a stronger pulse than that?
  1. Not all zombie tales are comedic. In fact this one is quite sad. The film Contractedfollows Samantha, the victim of poor choices. This film treats the zombie infection as an STD. When Samantha is infected she begins to slowly show signs of decay. Her suffering is great, and she eventually succumbs to the virus. The amount of pity I felt for this zombie was like no other, I wanted her to find a cure, I was rooting for her, but alas poor choices sometimes are ones undoing.
  1. Another tragic tale leads us to The ReturnedAlex is a former zombie, cured of his infliction by a magic potion or injection if you will. People could retain their humanity as long they continued to take their medicine, but when the drug they need is in short supply, zombies begin to resurface. Alex is running out of time as his girlfriend desperately hunts down the remaining doses. The ending of this film is done with such loneliness and abandonment in mind. It’s one of the saddest endings to a zombie film I’ve seen in a long time.
  1. The final zombie is one of my own creation, Eve Brenner. Her story is somewhere between quirky and tragic. I want you to feel for her, she’s a zombie still desperately trying to lead a human life. It’s not easy, and perhaps not even possible. If you pick up the Zombie Girl Saga you’ll immediately feel something for Eve, she’s young, curious, and gets more than she bargained for when she sets out on an adventure. I can’t tell you how it all ends especially since book 3 and 4 aren’t even out yet ;) Guess you’ll just have to wait and see how it all plays out.
I hope all my zombie sympathizers out there enjoyed reading and will check out my Zombie Girl Saga. A zombie with a pulse is quite tempting, you get sucked in by their desire to remain human, and Eve is that strong character willing to do anything to regain her humanity, if she will succeed has yet to be seen…

A.Giacomi  is the author of the wildly entertaining Eve Brenner: Zombie Girl Saga.
She is an educator, writer, and artist from Toronto, Canada. She is a zombie enthusiast, a wife, and mother to one small human child.
For more on A.Giacomi visit her on
Twitter @thepoeticzombie
Facebook A.Giacomi
or her official Blog

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