Kindle Countdown Deal: Chasing the Green Fairy

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to give a little heads-up that I am running a Kindle Countdown Deal on Chasing the Green Fairy this week. I have also left Chasing the Star Garden on sale for .99 cents in case you are new to my series. For those of you who enjoyed The Harvesting, this might be your first steampunk series. If you enjoy fantasy novels and spunky heroines, you will definitely love The Airship Racing Chronicles.

Earlier this summer, I gave away more than 10,000 copies of Chasing the Star Garden! Can you believe that? I hope those readers enjoyed their time with Lily. If you haven't grabbed the second novel in this series yet. you can catch it this week for just .99 cents! This is a limited deal. 

That said, I am off to Indie Bookfest 2014 in Orlando, leaving today! I can't wait to meet the other authors and bloggers. We interact a lot online but I seldom meet face to face. Looking forward to setting my eyes on Margo Bond Collins, Peggy Sue Martinez, Elyse Schramm, and Jacqueline Garlick! I'll be sure to bring back pictures!

How about a project update as well? Lady Macbeth, which is now a 3 book saga (seriously, it was 1500 pages long, what was I thinking), is reaching the end of editing. Turns out finishing this book is a lot like frosting a cake, no matter how much I smooth it out, I still see somewhere that needs just a little tweaking. It's making me batty. It was supposed to be a summer pub but looks like we are looking at October 1. Midway is also almost done and I want to have it to you before Halloween. The Shadow Aspect follows in the line-up. After that, so much fun in store! Will have to pick :)

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