Something Wicked Returns Blog Hop

I am so excited to be participating in the "Something Wicked Returns" Blog Hop. There is nothing I love better than a great supernatural story, scary movie, or creepy tale. I suppose this is how I ended up writing fantasy novels. I tend to cross genres, but all of my work has a supernatural edge to it. My first novel, "The Harvesting," is a dark fantasy/horror hybrid. My new novel, "Chasing the Star Garden" is a steampunk novel with fantasy elements.


Wicked Facts About Me:

Favorite scary movie: The Shinning. The opening music still manages to give me goosebumps!

Favorite scary book: "The Witching Hour" by Anne Rice. I adored Rice's descriptions of New Orleans and the supernatural appeal of the "demon" lover hanging around a family of witches for ages really sucked me in!

Favorite scary TV show: The Xfiles! The Xfiles had so many great supernatural creatures, its hard to choose just one. Aliens aside, I really adored all the episodes on other monster literature and the underlying romantic relationship was great too!


For this blog hop, I have some "wicked" goodies for you!

1) an Ebook Copy of "The Harvesting," you'll love this if you enjoy zombies, and vampires, and romance, and action--all in one!

2) an ARC of "Chasing the Star Garden" my steampunk novel forthcoming from Clockpunk Press on December 4th. Imagine Dan Brown meets Gail Carriger with a heafty dose of "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" except set in 1823 London with a strong romantic element.

3) $10 Gift Card to for you pick of anything supernatural that you fancy!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

My thanks goes out to addition Heidi@Rainy Day RamblingsCandace@Candace's Book Blog, Maja@The Nocturnal Library, and Ali@My Guilty Obsession  for organizing this amazing blog hop. There are almost 100 blogs participating in this event. Be sure to get hopping to win some great prizes!

Check back on October 27th for a feature on "Chasing the Star Garden" as part of this blog hop event!


  1. Thanks for organizing the event, Heidi! Loads of wicked fun!

  2. Thanks for hosting such an awesome giveaway! Make sure to stop by our blog to win a signed ARC of Wild Cards by Simone Elkeles! :)

    Andy @ Owl Always Be Reading

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Andy! And thanks for the tip!
