Summer of Zombie: Recollections from the 2014 World Horror Convention by Shawn Chesser

Recollections from the 2014 World Horror Convention

by Shawn Chesser

This year I was blessed to be able to attend the WHC held in my hometown as an independent author and share a table with Mark Tufo and John O'Brien as well as meet the infectiously funny Armand Rosamilia, three fellas whose work mine shares space with in the Epic Apocalypse Boxed set.


While I didn't sit on a panel at the con, or sign many books, or get to see Joe McKinney win his second Bram Stoker award, I was lucky enough to meet a couple of readers who were visiting from Medford and Seattle - one of the high points of the con for me.


During the downtime between a slow trickle of family and visitors to our table (one who even drove all the way from Wyoming to meet Tufo) I got to know my co-collaborators pretty well. A little bs’ing and a couple of meals together is all it took for me to learn that these guys are as good of people in person as they are via social media.


Part of Saturday was spent listening to the "Life after the Walking Dead: Zombie fiction today” panel featuring Brian Keene, Craig DiLouie, Joe McKinney, Dana Fredsti, John Skipp, Steve Rasnic Tem, and S.G. Browne. I was very happy to hear them share rather passionately their views that the genre in which I write, though burgeoning at the seams with new offerings, is not going away anytime soon. That talk, more than the others, is something I'll never forget - no matter what direction my relatively new career takes.


And lastly, though it was the first thing I did upon arriving at the con, breaking bread with Joe McKinney, Mark Tufo, John O'Brien, Weston Ochse, Yvonne Navarro, Leslie S Klinger and Rose Blackthorn, all awesome writers, was the icing on my WHC cake.


I hope to do it all over again next year in Atlanta ... minus the dragging books around with me part, of course.

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The stench of rotting flesh is in the air! Welcome to the Summer of Zombie Blog Tour 2014, with 33 of the best zombie authors spreading the disease in the month of June.

Stop by the event page on Facebook so you don't miss an interview, guest post or teaser… and pick up some great swag as well! Giveaways galore from most of the authors as well as interaction with them! #SummerZombie AND so you don't miss any of the posts in June, here's the complete list, updated daily: CLICK HERE.

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